Find Your Next Career Move in the Hidden Job Market

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We help individuals who feel stuck in their jobs take control of their career growth


  • By building your PROFESSIONAL BRAND so you can speak confidently and clearly about your value, experience and impact.

  • Developing the RELATIONSHIPS necessary to open doors and accelerate your career opportunities.

  • And ACCESSING the hidden job market so you can find a job that aligns with your goals, ambitions and the quality of life you want to live.

Find Out More About Maryann


One of the best things is the way Maryann breaks down bit by bit what I need to do. I was in a place where there were 25 things I needed to do and fix and it was too overwhelming to know where to start. One week at a time she helped me streamline this and that, making it manageable. Having her break that down makes me feel completely confident in every way that I want.


I love this! I feel like I'm moving into a new life professionally. Thank you for being there for me. It really does help to be able to share thoughts and doubts and I appreciate the positive perspective.

Ways to work together.

Custom Coaching Package

Let's work together to create a custom one-on-one coaching and learning and development package that targets your specific needs, goals, and timeline. Most popular with previous clients have been:

  • Your job search strategy, and of course accessing the hidden job market.
  • How to get a promotion or create your own jobs within an organization.
  • Creating your captivating career story, and self-promotion.
  • Anything having to do with networking.
  • Managing a full time job and a part-time business.

We can meet one-on-one, mix and match learning and development and training with one-on-one, or spend an intensive afternoon knocking our your goals. Let's hop on. call to talk about it.

Cost: $$$ and up

Let's Hop On a Call

Career Growth Kick-Start

This mix of one-on-one coaching and online

  • Ditch the hamster wheel of applications, keywords, resume rewrites, applicant tracking systems, AI gatekeeping, and the ghosting that comes after.
  • Learn how to identify and speak clearly about who you are and the impact you deliver.
  • Confidently start building the supportive and engaged networking you need to secure your dream job.
  • And take control of your job search by accessing the hidden job market with a personalized strategy targeted on your career goals.
  • Features one-on-one coaching with Maryann, online trainings, worksheets and materials, and unlimited on-demand Slack support from Maryann and her team.
  • Cost: $$$
Learn More

How to Make Networking Not Suck Online Mini-Course

In this course we cover

  • What networking actually is, what it isn't and dispel any myths about it.
  • How to develop your own easy to implement networking strategy.
  • Who the heck to network with and where to find them.
  • How to network in person and on social media platforms like Linkedin.
  • Then the the biggie! What to say when networking. You will receive a robust scripts library to help you figure out what to say when you need it!
  • Features online video trainings, supporting materials and worksheets.
  • Cost: $$
Get Started Now

There's No Better Time Than Now to Get Started!

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